Model settings

The following list of available settings is automatically created from the file in the Veris main folder. They are available as attributes of the Veros settings object, e.g.:

>>> simulation = MyVerosSetup()
>>> settings = simulation.state.settings
>>> print(settings.eq_of_state_type)
Importing core modules

Using computational backend numpy on cpu Runtime settings are now locked

VerosSettings.deltatTherm = 86400

Timestep for thermodynamic equations [s]

VerosSettings.recip_deltatTherm = 1.1574074074074073e-05

1 / deltatTherm [1/s]

VerosSettings.deltatDyn = 86400

Timestep for dynamic equations [s]

VerosSettings.olx = 2

Grid points in zonal overlap

VerosSettings.oly = 2

Grid points in meridional overlap

VerosSettings.gridcellWidth = 444709.893408

Grid cell width [m]

VerosSettings.nITC = 5

Number of ice thickness categories

VerosSettings.recip_nITC = 0.2

1 / nITC

VerosSettings.noSlip = True

flag for using the no-slip condition

VerosSettings.secondOrderBC = False

flag for using the second order approximation for boundary conditions

VerosSettings.extensiveFld = True

flag whether the advective fields are extensive

VerosSettings.useRealFreshWaterFlux = False

flag for using the sea ice load in the calculation of the ocean surface height

VerosSettings.useFreedrift = False

flag for using the freedrift solver

VerosSettings.useEVP = True

flag for using the EVP solver

VerosSettings.evpAlpha = 500.0

EVP parameter

VerosSettings.evpBeta = 500.0

EVP parameter

VerosSettings.useAdaptiveEVP = False

flag for using adaptive relaxation parameters

VerosSettings.aEVPalphaMin = 5

lower limit of alpha and beta

VerosSettings.aEvpCoeff = 0.5

largest stabilized frequency for adaptive EVP

VerosSettings.explicitDrag = False
VerosSettings.nEVPsteps = 500
VerosSettings.computeEvpResidual = True
VerosSettings.veros_fill = True

flag for using the fill overlap function of Veros

VerosSettings.use_coastline = False

flag for using the coastline data for lateral drag

VerosSettings.rhoIce = 900

density of ice [kg/m3]

VerosSettings.rhoFresh = 1000

density of fresh water [kg/m3]

VerosSettings.rhoSea = 1026

density of sea water [kg/m3]

VerosSettings.rhoAir = 1.3

density of air [kg/m3]

VerosSettings.rhoSnow = 330

density of snow [kg/m3]

VerosSettings.recip_rhoFresh = 0.001

1 / rhoFresh [m3/kg]

VerosSettings.recip_rhoSea = 0.0009746588693957114

1 / rhoSea [m3/kg]

VerosSettings.rhoIce2rhoSnow = 2.727272727272727

rhoIce / rhoSnow [m3/kg]

VerosSettings.rhoIce2rhoFresh = 0.9

rhoIce / rhoFresh [m3/kg]

VerosSettings.rhoFresh2rhoSnow = 3.0303030303030303

rhoFresh / rhoSnow [m3/kg]

VerosSettings.dryIceAlb = 0.75

albedo of dry ice

VerosSettings.dryIceAlb_south = 0.75

albedo of dry ice in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.wetIceAlb = 0.66

albedo of wet ice

VerosSettings.wetIceAlb_south = 0.66

albedo of wet ice in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.drySnowAlb = 0.84

albedo of dry snow

VerosSettings.drySnowAlb_south = 0.84

albedo of dry snow in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.wetSnowAlb = 0.7

albedo of wet snow

VerosSettings.wetSnowAlb_south = 0.7

albedo of wet snow in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.wetAlbTemp = 0

temperature [°C] above which the wet albedos are used

VerosSettings.lhFusion = 334000.0

latent heat of fusion [J/kg]

VerosSettings.lhEvap = 2500000.0

latent heat of evaporation [J/kg]

VerosSettings.lhSublim = 2834000.0

latent heat of sublimation [J/kg]

VerosSettings.cpAir = 1005

heat capacity of air [J/kg K]

VerosSettings.cpWater = 3986

heat capacity of water [J/kg K]

VerosSettings.stefBoltz = 5.67e-08

Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m^2/K^4]

VerosSettings.iceEmiss = 0.95

longwave ice emissivity

VerosSettings.snowEmiss = 0.95

longwave snow emissivity

VerosSettings.iceConduct = 2.1656

sea ice conductivity

VerosSettings.snowConduct = 0.31

snow conductivity

VerosSettings.hCut = 0.15

cut off snow thickness [m]

VerosSettings.shortwave = 0.3

shortwave ice penetration factor

VerosSettings.tempFrz = -1.96

freezing temperature [°C]

VerosSettings.dtempFrz_dS = 0

derivative of freezing temperature wrt salinity [°C/(g/kg)]

VerosSettings.saltIce_ref = 0

reference salinity of sea ice [g/kg]

VerosSettings.saltOcn_ref = 34.7

reference salinity of the ocean [g/kg]

VerosSettings.minLWdown = 60

minimum downward longwave radiation

VerosSettings.maxTIce = 30

maximum ice temperature

VerosSettings.minTIce = -50

minimum ice temperature

VerosSettings.minTAir = -50

minimum air temperature

VerosSettings.dalton = 0.00175

dalton number/ sensible and latent heat transfer coefficient

VerosSettings.Area_reg = 0.0225

regularization value for the ice concentration

VerosSettings.hIce_reg = 0.010000000000000002

regularization value for the ice thickness

VerosSettings.celsius2K = 273.15

conversion from [K] to [°C]

VerosSettings.stantonNr = 0.0056

stanton number

VerosSettings.uStarBase = 0.0125

typical friction velocity beneath sea ice [m/s]

VerosSettings.McPheeTaperFac = 12.5

tapering factor at the ice bottom

VerosSettings.h0 = 0.5

lead closing parameter

VerosSettings.recip_h0 = 2.0

1 / h0

VerosSettings.h0_south = 0.5

lead closing parameter in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.recip_h0_south = 2.0

1 / h0_south

VerosSettings.airTurnAngle = 0

turning angle of air-ice stress

VerosSettings.waterTurnAngle = 0

turning angle of water-ice stress

VerosSettings.sinWat = 0

sin of waterTurnAngle

VerosSettings.cosWat = 1

cos of waterTurnAngle

VerosSettings.wSpeedMin = 1e-10

minimum wind speed [m/s]

VerosSettings.hIce_min = 1e-05

‘minimum’ ice thickness [m]

VerosSettings.Area_min = 1e-05

‘minimum’ ice cover fraction

VerosSettings.airIceDrag = 0.0012

air-ice drag coefficient

VerosSettings.airIceDrag_south = 0.0012

air-ice drag coefficient in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.waterIceDrag = 0.0055

water-ice drag coefficient

VerosSettings.waterIceDrag_south = 0.0055

water-ice drag coefficient in the southern hemisphere

VerosSettings.cDragMin = 0.25

minimum of linear ice-ocean drag coefficient

VerosSettings.seaIceLoadFac = 1

factor to scale sea ice loading

VerosSettings.gravity = 9.81

gravitational acceleration

VerosSettings.PlasDefCoeff = 2

axes ratio of the elliptical yield curve

VerosSettings.deltaMin = 2e-09

minimum value of delta

VerosSettings.pressReplFac = 1

flag whether to use replacement pressure

VerosSettings.pStar = 27500.0

sea ice strength parameter

VerosSettings.cStar = 20

sea ice strength parameter

VerosSettings.basalDragU0 = 5e-05

basal drag parameter

VerosSettings.basalDragK1 = 8

basal drag parameter

VerosSettings.basalDragK2 = 0

basal drag parameter

VerosSettings.cBasalStar = 20

basal drag parameter

VerosSettings.tensileStrFac = 0

sea ice tensile strength factor

VerosSettings.CrMax = 1000000.0

advective flux parameter

VerosSettings.sideDragCoeff = 0.001

side drag coefficient

VerosSettings.sideDragU0 = 0.01

side drag critical velocity [m/s]

VerosSettings.umin_o = 0.5

minimum atm. wind speed over ocean surface [m/s]

VerosSettings.umin_i = 1.0

minimum atm. wind speed over ice surface [m/s]

VerosSettings.zref = 10.0

reference height for wind speed [m]

VerosSettings.ztref = 2.0

reference height for air temperature [m]

VerosSettings.bolzc = 1.38065e-23

Boltzmann’s constant [J/K/molecule]

VerosSettings.avogad = 6.02214e+26

Avogadro number [molecules/kmole]

VerosSettings.rgas = 8314.47

avogad * bolzc - Ideal gas constant [J/K/kmole]

VerosSettings.mwdair = 28.966

molecular weight of dry air [kg/kmole]

VerosSettings.mwwv = 18.016

molecular weight water vapor [kg/kmole]

VerosSettings.rdair = 287.042

RGAS / MWDAIR - dry air gas constant [J/K/kg]

VerosSettings.rwv = 461.505

RGAS / MWWV - water vapor constant [J/K/kg]

VerosSettings.zvir = 0.608

(RWV / RDAIR) - 1.0 - Dry-air water-vapor molecular mass ratio [-]

VerosSettings.cpdair = 1004.64

specific heat of dry air [J/K/kg]

VerosSettings.cpwv = 1810.0

specific heat of water vapor [J/K/kg]

VerosSettings.cpvir = 0.802
  • [-]

VerosSettings.karman = 0.4

von Karman constant [-]

VerosSettings.latvap = 2501000.0

latent heat of evaporation [J/kg]

VerosSettings.p0 = 100000.0

reference pressure to compute potential temperature [Pa]

VerosSettings.cappa = 0.286

R/Cp [-]

VerosSettings.zzsice = 0.0005

ice surface roughness [m] = 0.001

bulk transfer coefficient for sensible heat [-]

VerosSettings.ce = 0.00115

bulk transfer coefficient for latent heat [-]

VerosSettings.eps2 = 1e-20

threshold value [-]

VerosSettings.emissivity = 1

surface emissivity [-]

VerosSettings.ocean_emissivity = 0.985

ocean surface emissivity [-]

VerosSettings.snow_emissivity = 0.98

snow surface emissivity [-]

VerosSettings.ice_emissivity = 0.98

ice surface emissivity [-]

VerosSettings.tf0kel = 273.15

freezing temp of fresh water [K]

VerosSettings.gamma_blk = 0.01

adiabatic lapse rate [C/m]

VerosSettings.ocean_albedo = 0.1

ocean albedo [-]

VerosSettings.ice_albedo = 0.7

ice albedo [-]